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Undergraduate Programs

The Department of Architecture offers two different options for undergraduate students interested in studying architecture.

The Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies is a liberal studies degree that combines a liberal arts philosophy with general studies in architecture; architecture and design form a framework for exploring culture and society—past, present, and future. Areas of study include Sustainable Development, Materials and Making, and History and Theory. Admission is offered at a freshman or junior level, with the program preparing students for graduate education and careers in architecture and design disciplines, architectural technology, or related disciplines in the built environment. This program is a good choice for students interested in a minor or a double major because it offers some flexibility in the curriculum while still providing a sound basis for students interested in professional programs in architecture at the graduate level.

The Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Design is a pre-professional degree that prepares students for graduate study in a Master of Architecture professional program, a requirement for a career as a licensed architect. Admission is offered at the junior level through a competitive application process, based on completing two years of general university requirements and program pre-requisites. The program features six quarters of design studios as well as coursework in building technologies and architectural theory; students gain design skills that allow continuation to professional studies in related disciplines as well as architecture. This program is a good choice for students seeking for a high degree of focus in their undergraduate studies in architecture. Students in this major are able to apply for the Dual Degree in Construction Management program in the spring of their junior year.

Graduates of both programs are well positioned for a variety of paths in design disciplines, as well as having a strong foundation for professional programs in architecture at the graduate level. In the United States, most state architectural registration boards require a degree from an accredited professional degree program as a prerequisite for licensure. For additional information about accreditation and licensure, see:

An Architecture Student’s Journey
Become an Architect

UW Architecture undergraduate programs are committed to architecture and design as a field of knowledge that has a profound impact on contemporary society. Non-majors interested in architecture are able to pursue a Minor in Architectural Studies.