Academic Term: Winter 2019
Photography Collective
In this studio students investigated architectural issues related to human dwelling such as spatial composition, accommodation of building program and occupant demands, site constraints, structural systems and architectural representation. A series of phased design projects encouraged further development of knowledge and skills needed for architectural design. Students were tasked with designing a Photography Collective in the dense urban setting of the Fremont neighborhood. Students studied photography and choose one image from a prominent photographer as inspiration for their design.
WI_19_301A_Dong_Yingxi _03
WI_19_301A_Dong_Yingxi _02
WI_19_301A_Dong_Yingxi _01
Academic Innovation Building
In this studio, student design teams produced proposals for a new interdisciplinary building on the UW Tacoma campus. The program of the Academic Innovation Building asked for a rich mix of classrooms, faculty office space, labs, and collaborative study spaces. The site is one block uphill from the iconic Prairie Line Trail, and adjacent to the hill-climb that forms the campus spine. The building provides much needed space for both Business and Mechanical Engineering, as well as some general use classrooms. Most importantly, the building is envisioned with the most ambitious sustainability standard in all of UW. Students were asked to envision creative designs for new construction on a growing campus that mixes 19th century and 21st century vibes.