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BA in Architectural Studies

rendering by Emily Pratt

Application requirements

Application to the undergraduate Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies program requires the following materials: UW Degree Audit Report (if applicable), personal resume, personal statement, and a writing sample from college coursework. Applicants may opt to submit sample drawings as well. All applicants must also complete the five prerequisite courses by the end of spring quarter: ARCH 200, 231, 350, 351 and 352. These courses are typically taken in the sophomore year.

  • Department Application (found online here).
  • Transcripts of all college-level work. Official or unofficial transcripts are accepted.
  • DARS Report (Degree Audit Report for Architecture major)
  • Essay:  The Architectural Studies major is a self-directed program that allows students to build a foundation in architectural coursework and pursue one of three areas of concentration: History,Theory and Preservation; Materials and Making; or Sustainable Development. Success in the program requires students to have or develop clarity in structuring their own focus, either within the broad discipline of architecture or by exploring the intersections with a second major or a minor.

    Keeping these points in mind, in 750-1000 words, please tell us how this is a good choice of major for you. Discuss 1) experiences that have helped develop your interest in architecture; 2) how you will shape your degree program; and 3) how this fits into your career interests and goals for the future.

    1) What has brought you to study architecture? You might discuss an architecture course you have taken, a book you have read, travel experiences in which architecture played an important role, art or architecture exhibits you have attended, architectural influences or mentors you may have known.

    2) How will you shape your own program of study within the major? Can you describe a circumstance that demonstrates your capacity to be a self-directed learner? What courses are you most interested in taking as part of the major? Are there other areas of interest might you incorporate into your studies, such as a minor?

    3) Describe how this degree program would advance your interests and goals for the future.

  • Please submit a writing sample from another course (4 – 12 pages double spaced) that demonstrates to the committee your research and writing abilities. Please note the course number and assignment.
  • Personal Resume – A typewritten summary of your education, employment history, recreational interests, hobbies, skills, travel, and personal interests.
  • Drawing Samples (optional) – We encourage you to submit a selection of drawings from ARCH 200 – Design and Representation I.

    • Required file format:  PDF (hardcopy applications will not be accepted).  Application material should be designed and formatted for on-screen viewing.
    • Cover page is required and must include your name as it appears on your UW application.
    • Maximum file size: 30MB