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Minor in Architectural Studies

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Undergraduate students not enrolled in one of the Department of Architecture Degree programs are welcome to take many courses offered by the department, some are open to non-majors on a space available basis only. Summer quarter is a good time to gain access to Architecture courses.

The Department of Architecture offers a 25 credit Minor in Architectural Studies. This includes at least 20 credits of Architecture courses (of which at least 9 credits must be upper-division courses), plus 5 additional credits of upper-division courses taken in the College of Built Environments. Courses numbered 300-level and above are considered upper-division. Any undergraduate student with at least sophomore standing (45 credits completed) who is declared in a major may declare a minor. To declare a minor, meet with your major department adviser. Only the adviser in your major department may sign the form to declare a minor; this is to ensure students meet satisfactory progress requirements. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with the minor adviser to discuss the subject matter of the minor and plans for completion of the minor.

There are no deadlines for declaring minors, except that you cannot declare a minor after the deadline to apply to graduate, which is the third week of the quarter in which you intend to graduate. Minors are optional. You may earn up to three minors as part of each degree completed. Post-baccalaureate students (students who have already earned a bachelor’s degree) may not be awarded a minor.

Download a PDF of the BA Arch minor curriculum template.

Lower Division Course Examples

Arch 150: Appreciation of Architecture I, 3cr (Au, Wi, Sp)
Arch 151: Appreciation of Architecture II, 3cr (Au, Wi, Sp)
Arch 200: Architectural Design and Representation, 5cr (Au)
Arch 201: Architectural Design and Representation II, 5cr (Wi)
Arch 251: World Architecture: Non-Western Cultures, 5cr (Au, Sp)
Arch 231: Making and Craft, 5cr (Sp)

Upper Division Course Examples

Arch 350: Architecture of the Ancient World, 3cr (Au)
Arch 351: Architecture of the Medieval and Early Modern World, 3cr (Wi)
Arch 352: History of Modern Architecture, 3cr (Sp)
Arch 410: Intro Architectural Photography, 3cr (Au, Wi, Sp)

Upper Division Courses in CBE

Please check the listings in the following departments: