The general requirements of the program – making and displaying photography – need individual interpretation. Each of you will determine the idea of visual art that will inform and guide the design of the building. You will each develop your own program depending on the selected photographer, process and idea, but you must include space for making and showing the work and telling the story of the project. Program elements need to be given a hierarchy and interpreted according to a story or poem. Light is both fundamental to photography and to our understanding of void or space. The rooms for displaying and making photographs will respond to particular qualities of natural light and shadow throughout the day, season and year, guided by ideas and processes of photography explored in the project. The display/gallery need not be on Shilshole Avenue, but it should be readily accessible from the street. Room for making images will vary with the photographer. For some, studios and workshops may be important, for some traditional dark rooms are needed while others will explore digital techniques of development and reproduction. The diversity of activities broadens the scope of the photographer’s work, and adds a degree of complexity and flexibility to the character and quality of the space.
Images 1-5 Positive / Negative, Angus Bastone
Images 6-10 Positive / Negative, Nayana Cardoso
Images 11-14 Positive / Negative, Nathanel Alex Cohen
Images Positive 15-20 / Negative, Trong Luong