Studio Description:
In this studio, students concentrating on the mixed-use building, from concept to welldeveloped schematic design that will convey site strategy, plan layout, form, materials, and structural approach. The building shall be responsive to the conditions including but not limited to, code requirements for both life safety and zoning, environmental conditions, street life and character as it is and as it could be, and a changing demographic. The building design portion of your work will be composed of a mixed-use building composed of commercial space and residential units and a institutional building.
Images 1-6: Lightwells, Eric Luth
Images 7-10: Market Terrace, Intergenerational Learning Center, Jake Woll
Images 11-14: The Canopy, Addison Peabody
Images 15-19: Boxhuas Apartment, Anastasia Ciorici
Images 20-23: Common Passage, Nicole Cousins
Images 24-27: Ballardian Complex, Weiyu Liao
Images 28-36: Urban Developement, Andreas Bakkeboe